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Your Guide to Online Medical Resources
Today, medical technology is the best its ever been and it keeps evolving to address new health concerns. More than ever before, the general public has access to the most up to date medical materials and references. The widespread use of the Internet has contributed to the general knowledge that is commonplace in the medical community. Being educated on different conditions and diseases can help prevent the further spread of disease and give allow the knowledge on how to treat them. Below is a guide on different medical resources:
Health Reference
Medline and Other NLM Datatbases – A medical resource from The Stanford Health Library.
References for Access to Health- Health information from the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Undeserved.
Virtual Reference Tools- A health science library from the John A. Burns School of Medicine.
Medical References – An interactive medical reference including more than 50000 pages of reviewed health information.
The Sourcebook for Teaching Science- A medical resource guide of health references online.
Medical Education Resources
Post Graduate Medical Education Resources - A reference of medical resources from The University of Chicago Library.
International Medical Education - Information on health information websites.
Medical Education Resources on the Internet- Informational medical resources supplied on the Internet.
Education- Medical resources from Weill Cornell Medical College.
Educational Web Links- Medical online educational resources.
Medical Libraries
Boston University Medical Center- Medical information, course research guides, and news including web pages and links.
Harvey Cushing/ John Hay Whitney- Information on medical and science news, which includes books, journals, education and support.
Mayo Clinic Libraries- Resource services of medical information.
Cyprus Medical Libraries- Information on electronic document medical deliveries.
Watson W. Wise Medical Research Library- An informative library guide of resources.
Disease-Specific Resources
Research Guides- Informational research guides from the University of Michigan.
Resource Listed by Disease- Resources listed of specific diseases.
Clinical & Educational Resources- Specific diseases guidelines and resources.
Thoracic Resources- An online resource of thoracic descriptions of diseases.
Research and Resources- A resource of different diseases from Emory Rollins School of Public Health.
Practical Health Guides
A Practical Guide to Clinical Medicine- A medical guide from the University of California for medical students and health professionals.
Mental Health Resources- A resource guide made to help consumers gather information on mental health diagnoses and general information.
Family Resource Center- A practical guide of health information on Alzheimer disease.
Nursing & Health Resources- A guide of information for students of practical nursing.
Health Care Planning, Organization, and Evaluation Resources – A health guide from UC Berkeley Public Health Library.
Behavioral Resources
Consumer Behavior Resources – Behavior resources from the University of Washington.
Behavior Analysis Resources - A resource made for the experimental behavior analysis.
Methods in Behavioral Research – Informational resources in psychology and behavioral sciences.
Behavior Disorders: A Resource List- An informational resource list of behavioral disorders.
Organizational Behavior Resources- Article databases, indexes, and book behavioral resources.
Health Informatics
Public Health Informatics- Information on public health creativity and innovation.
Master's in Health Informatics- Information from Doisy College of Health Sciences on the health informatics program.
Electronic Journal of Health Informatics- An electronic journal dedicated to excellence and dedicated to the Health Informatics in healthcare.
Health Informatics F.A.Q.- Information on health informatics and about the professional career of one.
Health Informatics Program- Information on the Health Informatics Program through the University of North Texas.
Health-Related Agencies
Governmental, Health Related Agencies- Information on different governmental research and quality agencies.
Agencies, Associations, and Institutions- A list of agencies for health care and research.
Health Agencies- A list of biomedical agencies from the University of Washington Health Sciences Libraries.
Health and Medicine- A list of authoritative list of national and government agencies.
Children's Nutrition Research- A database of health-related federal government agencies.